It seems that cancer is on the rise despite the years and billions that have been invested in its “cure”. Thanks to the internet, patients are becoming better educated about their cancer treatment options. Contrary to what the majority of people are told by conventional medicine, there are a number of powerful alternative cancer therapies available here in the United States that are not confined to chemo, radiation and surgery. The options do vary from state to state as to what a physician can offer so one needs to do their research. We all agree that the laws need to change to allow more patient freedom to choose but until that day arrives we must navigate through the system.
Reno Integrative Medical Center is in Nevada. It is one of 3 states that can offer a wide variety of cancer therapies otherwise found illegal in other parts of the United States.
Our freedom comes at a cost however. Very few insurance companies will pay for these treatments. This separation is actually what gives our clinic the ability to offer these treatment options. Our patients have come to the realization that it is better to approach cancer from a more non-invasive, less toxic treatment program than what most institutions offer.
We address boosting the immune system while focusing on the cancer.
Share our website to those that are wanting more education on cancer treatment options. We are dedicated to making choices available.