When faced with a diagnosis of cancer, most patients and their family are suddenly forced to address the real life dilemma of treatment options. Most encounter the conventional dictate given by their doctor that spells out a series of choices such as: surgery, full-dose chemotherapy and/or radiation. That’s it, over and out. Those are the ONLY treatments available that are condoned by conventional medicine and insurance companies alike.
At Reno Integrative Medical Center we exist solely to provide patients with medical treatment options to address their cancer. There is a misunderstanding amongst many that they must leave the country to procure alternative, holistic, non-conventional, integrative cancer treatments. That is not so. Our patients often say, ” Why don’t I hear about these therapies on TV, or from my doctor?” “Good question, we say. Why don’t you ask them?”
Luckily, we are allowed, in the state of Nevada, to legally offer therapy options. Our goal is to provide information so that people can better educate themselves on the subject of cancer itself and what choices are available to best address their healing. So many new therapies are available now. You don’t have to stay in the dark ages.
We invite you to visit our website to not only inform yourself but relieve the stress of thinking there are few options available.