Benefits of eating coconut oil

Coconut oil and fresh coconut

Coconut oil and fresh coconut

The particular benefits of consuming coconut oil on a regular basis are being revealed by current research.  Long revealed as a dangerous saturated fat, coconut oil is revealing itself to be an extremely beneficial fat to include in one’s diet.
Coconut oil is composed of what is called medium chain triglycerides or MCT’s.  The body always burns these kinds of fats for energy and never deposits them in fat cells.  In fact, the burning of them for energy actually helps the body burn excess fat cells in the process.
Coconut oil also pushes the body into producing ketones which have been shown to help fight/prevent cancer.
In addition to that, coconut oil contains a compound called monolaurin which has been shown to have an anti-viral effect.

Maintaining a low normal blood sugar and generating ketones has been proven, by a former Yale researcher, to produce a very inhospitable environment for cancer cells.  He was able to cure brain tumors in mice purely by feeding them a diet that stimulated ketone formation.  Normal function is maintained in the brain because it can burn ketones for energy while the cancer cannot.


Dr. Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center, Reno Nevada

Take the FEAR out of cancer therapy.


Take the fear out of cancer therapy.

Just hearing, “You have cancer” can un-nerve even the strongest person.  Please know that there are so many powerful and innovative choice options available now that conventional medicine does not, or rather, cannot share with their patients.  The reason for this is,  restrictions imposed by each states’ medical board.

Having said that, in Nevada, we are able to offer a wide variety of integrative cancer therapies that otherwise are only available in Mexico or Europe.

We invite you to view our therapies on our website.  We are always adding new therapies as they are discovered.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada.

Dr. Eslinger has over 35 years of clinical experience in both conventional and alternative/integrative medicine.

Alternative cancer treatment options


Cancer treatment options at Reno Integrative Medical Center

It seems that cancer is on the rise despite the years and billions that have been invested in its “cure”.  Thanks to the internet, patients are becoming better educated about their cancer treatment options. Contrary to what the majority of people are told by conventional medicine, there are a number of powerful alternative cancer therapies available here in the United States that are not confined to chemo, radiation and surgery. The options do vary from state to state as to what a physician can offer so one needs to do their research.  We all agree that the laws need to change to allow more patient freedom to choose but until that day arrives we must navigate through the system.

Reno Integrative Medical Center is in Nevada. It is one of 3 states that can offer a wide variety of cancer therapies otherwise found illegal in other parts of the United States.

Our freedom comes at a cost however.  Very few insurance companies will pay for these treatments.  This separation is actually what gives our clinic the ability to offer these treatment options. Our patients have come to the realization that it is better to approach cancer from a more non-invasive, less toxic treatment program than what most institutions offer.

We address boosting the immune system while focusing on the cancer.

Share our website to those that are wanting more education on cancer treatment options.  We are dedicated to making choices available.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada.


Alternative Cancer Treatment Boot Camp


Compassionate cancer treatment at Reno Integrative Medical Center

One does not have to travel to Mexico or Europe to receive alternative cancer treatments.  Reno Integrative Medical Center is dedicated to providing a full range of powerful, science-based treatments to people searching for cancer therapy options.  The tide is changing and more information is getting out to the public about new discoveries and/or synergistic use of older therapies such as Laetrile.  We encourage you to go to our website and read about the many therapies we incorporate.  These truly are better times for cancer survival than ever before.  It starts with educating oneself in an effort to de-mystify cancer and how it is dealt with in an Alternative/Integrative setting.

For those who need a more immediate and targeted healing program, Reno Integrative has designed their 3 week cancer boot camp to hit cancer hard and reduce the chance of spread without harm to the patient.

Dr. Eslinger is a warm and compassionate doctor that has been in medicine for over 35 years.  Providing options to his patients is very important to him.  He believes in the individuals right to chose.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada.

How does Laetrile work as a Cancer Therapy?


Laetrile as a cancer therapy

Amygdalin, or Laetrile, is lethal to cancer cells.  This is because cancer cells secrete the enzyme beta-glucosidase which releases the poisonous cyanide otherwise locked in laetrile, into the inside of the cell.

In the absence of cancer cells the toxic cyanide is not released.

Normal cells have an enzyme called rhodanase which effectively renders the cyanide molecule inactive.

At Reno Integrative Medical Center, we administer B-17, Laetrile, in the context of a full-protocol and never use it alone. A truly effective alternative cancer treatment consists of using synergistic compounds together in a way that makes them far more powerful than if used as individual agents.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno Nevada


Biological Response Modifiers & Alternative Cancer Therapy


Strengthening the immune system

These are remedies and substances that are given orally and intravenously to increase the sensitivity and strength of the immune system. This could be thought of as a “Wake-up call” to the body. There are times when the immune system can be fooled by the chronic disease. It may not even know it is present in the body. This alternative cancer therapy re-stimulates those areas that have gone dormant and calls attention to the disease. This is a natural way to allow your own body to seek out and destroy that which is preying upon it.


De-cloaking the cancer for the immune system to attack

Examples of these substances and/or therapies are:

  • Dendritic Cell Vaccine Therapy
  • GcMAF is another therapy used to “De-Cloak” disease hiding from the immune system.
  • PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. We are finding it to reap amazing results in speeding up injuries and wound repair.
  • Salicinium is a powerful addition to our Cancer Treatment arsenal. It is another “Seek and Destroy” cancer cells therapy.
  • DCA is a non harmful chemical used to create apoptosis in the mitochondria of the cell. This causes the cancer to be exposed and eliminated.

Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno Nevada

Increasing T-cells to fight cancer

T-cells are the body’s soldiers and guardians. When a patient’s immune system is weak T-cell counts are low.  It is important to build up T-cell numbers and aggressiveness.

“Attack of the T-Cells”

T-cells attacking cancer cell

The immune system attacks things it recognizes as foreign and abnormal. This recognition involves binding to very specific molecular sequences called “antigens”. These compounds, on the surface of the foreign (tumor) cells, stimulate what are called cytotoxic T-cells.  These T-cells bind to the cancer cells and inject cytokines which kill the abnormal cell.

Reno Integrative Medical Center uses  Dendritic Cell Vaccine therapy to boost your army of T-cells.

Training your army of T-cells

Training your army of T-cells

Not only will these cells kill any cells displaying the antigen they recognize, but they will also multiply and pass on this information to other T-cells in the body. We call it, ” Training your army”.

This type of dendritic cell vaccine is used to treat a variety of malignancies such as: pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, leukemia, multiple myeloma, colon cancer and ovarian cancer, to name a few.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada.

Waking up the immune system

All cancer cells produce an enzyme called Nagalase.  This enzyme effectively “turns off” one of the major protective (from cancer) cells in the immune system called the Macrophage cells. There is a blood test that can monitor the levels of this enzyme in the body. At Reno Integrative Medical Center it is used to evaluate cancer treatment progress.


A specific protein called “GcMAF” (Macrophage Activating Factor) can turn these cells back on and “de-cloak” the cancer cells so the immune system can complete its job of killing the abnormal cells creating a domino effect.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada

Anti-cancer diet


Many times when I recommend the Ketogenic (high protein/fat, low carbohydrate) diet, people respond by saying “that’s controversial”.  I say it is only controversial if you don’t really understand how cancer cells operate.  They require 18 times more sugar than normal cells.  All carbohydrates turn into sugar in the blood.  Carbs feed the tumor!  It is not controversial.

To read more go to Anti-cancer diet on our Reno Integrative Medical Center website.


Dr. Robert Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada



Photochemistry studies the fascinating interaction between light and the biological world.

The Light Institute of Copenhagen spawned the modern era of “phototherapy” by treating hundreds of lupus patients with therapeutic levels of ultraviolet light.

In 1966, Endre Mester, a physician in Hungary, performed numerous experiments reporting a biostimulatory effect of visible red and infrared laser at low intensity. Dr. Mester found that light delivered within well-defined parameters yielded meaningful clinical effects, including pain relief and accelerated wound recovery.

The light frequencies activate electrons in specific “photoreceptors” in different cells. This activation excites the electrons which modulates the physiology of the photoreceptor, which in turn, affects all biochemical pathways directly or indirectly connected with the photoreceptor.

This is the beginning of a whole new way to address physical ailments!

At Reno Integrative Medical Center we use UBI or Ultra-violet light irradiation.


Dr. Bob Eslinger at Reno Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada